Sunday, February 03, 2008


101.91km @ 4:49 - booya!

January total 389.4km - ran 28 of 31 days.
5 weeks - 81/87/96/87/101

Mon 10.12k@ 4:48 recovery
Tues 9.97k@ included 4k tempo@ 4:16, then 3x700m intervals
Wed 11.65k@4:40 easy
Thurs 15.83@4:46 hilly with 10k @MP
Fri 10.43k@ 4:46 easy
Sat 10.72@ 4:48 easy
Sun 33.19k @ 5:01

Hot long run today - 24.5degrees at the start, just tipping 30 at the end.
Ran with Rob, took things a bit slower than last week. Generally did OK for the end of such a big week, and ran up Hale Rd hills OK. Blew up a bit chasing Rob over 2 faster km 24-26k - only 445s but felt harder. Ran the last 6.5k in 1.5k run/100m walks, the heat really rushed up in that last half hour.

One more long week ahead before a lighter one leading in to Matilda Bay 10k (had thought it was a week earlier). Next Sunday forecast 16min, 28max, so will hopefully do a good 20-25k marathon pace timetrial around the river.

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