I started the week on Monday public holiday playing squash for the first time in about 8 years.
The rest of the week was spent limping with aching hip abductors (glutes and piriformis) - it's amazing what muscles you dont use running that do get used in a lateral movement sport.
I managed to hobble through 10k jogs Tues, Thurs and Sat am, started loosening up on Saturday
This morning started off poorly as I forgot my Garmin - so I ran blind (didnt even have a normal watch). I did about 5k easy to try and loosen the backside up ,so to speak
The start was as congested as usual , but things freed up after 700m or so and I hit a reasonable rhythm. I had been planning on staying in touch with biscuitman, but sadly his injury prevented him running, and Sugar was out of my league. I ran the first 5k keeping pace with the girl eho I think won the 5k womens event, as well as with the young blond guy from intervals (Clown knows the one!). They both stopped at 5k, which I passed at 18:45.
I started the second lap about 100m behind the leading female runner. One of the female marshalls yelled out a couple of times that those of us behind her were being 'chicked' and that we should try to pass her to save ourselves embarrassment. I thought this a little inappropriate but I did set my sights on gradually winding her in. I was also just behind Felipe Jalpa - who has a style which looks like he's jogging, and with Mike Haederle . I plodded along and gained about 20m on the leading female each kilometre, passing her with about 400m to go.
I thought to myself that this must be what it's like for Clown when running - it was my legs (or more specifically my upper butt) that was limiting me rather than my cardiorespiratory system. The good thing was that I felt fine afterwards, and even played another hour of squash this afternoon (paying for it now)
So I think I have another 30-45 seconds in me over the 10k, and am toying with the idea of focussing on the John Gilmour 10k track race to set a PB.
Congrats to Sugar on third place and a PB, even if not quite the target time
Good luck to Clown, Sling and TB next week in Melbourne - three PBs coming up
And on a final note, a couple of the fast young 5k guys were wearing nasal strips as pictured. My thoughts:
a. Breathe through your mouth
b. I dont care if it makes you run faster, you guys look like dicks
Congrats Epi on the 10k PB.
Wondering whether you've run a 5k this year? It will be nice to make it a quadruple PB (5k, 10k, 21k, 42k) in one year.
I think Paula Radcliffe uses the nasal strips. She also wears compression stocking as well.
Congratulations on the PB!
Very good run all things considered.
I said hello before the start, but I was in a big bunch of CoolRunners, so I don't think you heard me.
sorry to hear about the squash injury...I managed some squash courts for about a year back in 2000, so I know how much of a fun game it is...One of my brothers (hes married to a South Korean woman) is keen on badminton, as are my cousins, but I still prefer tennis, much better game...
Although for sustained white-hot intensity squash can be pretty cool.
I intend running that John Gilmour 10k too, although its going to be a strange feeling doing it at AK instead of Coker Park. Hope you can get well into 37 minute A-grade land there. If you do that will give you the A-grade gold card to start closer to the front at all major races and avoid the congestion at the start easier. It was pretty bad at Freo and I was in a very good position at the start. A lot! of little athletics kids in that one. They can have their nasal strips, stupid trash...Plenty of world records been done without that.
Speaking of 5k's (which I did in 22.53 yesterday) what about the Rottnest 5km, then you could take Slings suggestion and nail the quadruple PB for the year. All the best with fixing the squash injury, and well done again on yet another outstanding PB, even if there is a lot more in the tank, better yet to come...
Sorry, I meant Quadrella or superfecta (I am not a horse person).
Right after the 3000m, I went through your old blog posts to search your time back in Dec 2008. Hopefully, I can be close (or a couple of % slower) to your running times next year.
Sorry I couldn't make it yesterday - I think we would have been pacing each other pretty closely. I just beat the girl you were running near at the Run for Gold and City to Surf so definitely around that pace.
I agree the nasal strip look ridiculous plus there is no evidence that wearing one does anything other than confirm that you are a tool.
The nose-boys all ran about the same times they did at the Freo HM fun run. I agree about the 'chicked' comment ; one the one hand you're a dick for not wanting to be beaten by a chick, and on the other hand if you are then you should be ashamed... personally, I do my utmost not to be beaten my anyone, be they a dick or chick.... Congrats on the PB, if you can run 37 minutes 4 weeks after a marathon, you've definitely got another minute or two up your sleeve.
Ah only if I could run a 10klm in 38min.
Found the last paragraph amusing...
I think the words Slingrunner is thinking of is Trifecta or Quinella.
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