Sunday, April 05, 2009

2 weeks to go

Short and fast week this week - 81k@4:22

Mon 10.7k@ 4:33 easy
Tues 12k@ 4:10 - intervals 10x400m (or a bit shorter as the track had to be changed)
Did most at 79sec, took it a little easier than usual, although that's hard for me

Wed 10.1k@ 4:17 - MP run after the first k
Thurs rest
Friday 13k, with 10k tempo in 39:25
Sat 10k@4:30 - progression run
Sunday 24k @ 4:30 - medium run with Rob, long break in the middle at the 5k mark of the bridges. Did a few MP km in the second half

My inability to hold back in races stopped me from considering the Bridges today - probably a good thing because had I been running, I probably would have killed myself trying to keep up with Biscuitman and Sugar (and would likely have failed to). Great run!!!

The tough thing from here on in is holding back. I expect I'll do most of my running at MP in the next couple of weeks, so I just need to really limit the kms. If you see me out there running - tell me to stop and go home.

On the shoe front, I've gone off the speedstars and will probably go back to a known quantity - the 2110s - old, heavier but I've run all 5 road marathons in these so they are a known quantity.
Once the marathon is over I'm going to experiment with Newtons - I think when I run tempo pace or faster these days I'm more a midfoot striker.


Biscuitman said...

I'm afraid that was the closest I got to Sugar - he left behind from there. Still pleased with a big PB though. You are travelling well - I think there's nothing wrong with keeping the intensity up, just watch your volume.

cheers and good luck!!

trailblazer777 said...

nice to see you and clown out there...
stop running and go on a trip to the Bahamas or something...
seriously though agree with staying with the 2130s for marathons...

Sling Runner said...

Last year you were struggling to break sub-40 for 10k. This week you did a 10k tempo run in 39:25. What difference a year of consistent training makes. Kudos.

Biscuitman said...

Epi, check out this article re tapering. You might find it useful